Which one of us was I?

Hi, I’m Recep, and I’ve always had a hard time talking about myself, so I’ll keep it short.

I’ve been interested in a lot of sports since I was a little boy, Table tennis 8 years, Football 12 years, Wing-Tsun 4 years, Escrima 1 year, Jui jitsu 1 year, Athletics 4 years, all gave me a lot of different experiences and disciplines, especially Wing-Tsun’s.

Apart from these, I’ve been making music for about 9 years, first of all, I started playing guitar in high school rock band, and then graduation concerts, bar scenes, fields, etc. It evolved into acoustics, ethnic, and then techno, and now I’m working on electronic music.

Let me tell you a little bit about the computer. I made a rapid rise in college prep class, starting from scratch, constantly pushing myself into trouble and forcing me to evolve. My journey started with the idea of ‘After all, why wait for something to find out when every information is on the Internet?’. After my web experience, which first started with Ruby on Rails, continued a little further with Django, I decided to turn to a different area, because I wanted to develop myself on a new field, on the Blockchain. As a result of nearly a year of work, I published a paper of my project called Cryptouch, and after it was scanned by IEEE, I was invited to 2 international conferences and won the 1st place in an idea competition. It was a quick introduction for me, but because of my interest and curiosity in artificial intelligence, I started working on artificial intelligence with a quick turn, I had more time after all, I had just finished the first grade. I have been working and researching since that day. Last year, I had the opportunity to work with the Google Brain team on TensorFlow/Datasets within the scope of Google Summer of Code, also I contributed to the open-source AI project such as TensorFlow/Addons, flax, jax, dffml, Knet.jl. This year, I worked on Onnx format support for Knet.jl with Deniz Yüret at Koç University.

It was not that short, but let my mouth open so I can write and share more things :)